Free to Risk (Noella’s Life Unleashed Book 1) Read online

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  “No, I’m experiencing being the best sister you’ve ever had. Jake and I are going to watch the boys for you so you can go to Nicole’s this weekend. You said you can take two days off, right? So I booked a flight for you that leaves tonight and comes back in late Monday night. So you’ll have Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and most of Monday with Nicole. How does that sound?”

  “Uh, it sounds amazing.” I laughed. “But it’s too much, Hanna. You’re almost seven months pregnant, you don’t need to take care of my kids right now.”

  “It’s exactly when I need to. I’ve got to get ready for this little one. Besides, Jake and I talked about it. We’ve got Blu’s wedding coming up and then the month after, the baby will be here. We need some quality nephew time. I don’t want them to feel neglected or replaced by the baby.”

  “Hanna, you’re the best. Are you sure you want to do this, though? They have soccer and—”

  “And don’t worry. If I get a little wiped out, I’ve got plenty of backup. Zoe and Dawn both said they’d be happy to help. We all want you to go and have a good time. So are you going to show up at the airport?”

  “Yes!” I gasped. “Of course I’ll be there. Thank you so much!”

  “No problem. And you can video chat with the boys to explain everything, but honestly, with what Jake has planned, I don’t think they’re going to mind. Think laser tag.”

  “Oh, they will be thrilled!”

  “We all love you, Noella, and you deserve this time for yourself. How was your date, by the way?”

  “It was perfect. I’ll tell you all about it, but I have to go put in for my time off!”

  “Do that!” She laughed. “I sent your ticket to your e-mail so you can just print it out. Love you, sis.”

  “Love you too, Hanna, and you really are the best sister ever.”

  “I know.” She laughed and hung up the phone.

  After calling to confirm with Nicole, I put in for the time off. It was approved right away.

  I was so excited, I called Wes instead of video chatting with him. I wasn’t sure if he would answer, but he did.


  “Sorry I’ve been out of touch, Noella, there’s something I need to tell you—”

  “Okay, but listen to this first. I’m going to visit my friend Nicole in Georgia for four whole days! Can you believe it? Without the kids.”

  “Georgia? What part?” His voice sounded a little funny.

  “Fifteen minutes outside of Savannah. I’ve never been there before, but I’ve heard it’s beautiful.”

  “It is beautiful. I live in Savannah.”

  “What?” My heart stopped for a moment. “You do?”

  “Yes, didn’t you know that?”

  “I guess not.” I laughed.

  “Yes, born and bred. So you’re going to be here this weekend?”

  “Yes, isn’t it wonderful?”

  “It sure is and you deserve a little break.” He paused. When he spoke again, I heard a little tremor in his voice. “I know that you’ll be busy with your friend, but is there any chance you might want to get together for coffee or sesame chicken?”

  “Are you kidding? Of course I would. There’s no way I would miss out on meeting you in person. You’ve become one of my best friends over the last few months. Your practice date helped me last night with Justin. It was actually a great date. Wait until I tell you about it!”

  “Well, you can tell me in person. This weekend. Just let me know what time is good for you. I can work completely around your schedule.”

  “I will. Oh, Wes, I don’t think this weekend could get any better. I get to see my Nicole and I finally get to meet you.”

  “I’m excited too. See you soon, Noella.”

  “See you soon, Wes.” I smiled as I hung up the phone.

  See you soon, Noella. Those words—in Wes’s smooth voice—played again in my head. I felt my cheeks flush as a strange shiver of electricity bolted up my spine. I had never felt anything like it before. I wondered for a second if I might be getting sick as my heart started to race. I was sure it was just because I was excited. I had so much to look forward to.

  My phone buzzed with a text from Wes. As I read it, my heart raced again.

  I can’t wait to meet the most beautiful woman in the world in person. Have a safe flight.

  My mouth grew dry. What was wrong with me? Wes was just being his usual flirty self.

  But the thought of meeting him, face to face?

  Somehow that changed everything. I just didn’t understand why. He was still Wes, ten years younger than me and not even a romantic possibility.

  It was probably just all the excitement of the last-minute trip. The only regret I had was that I wouldn’t get to meet Justin over the weekend for another date. Maybe my time away would give me a chance to decide whether I really wanted romance in my life.

  No matter how strange I felt in reaction to Wes’s text, I was excited to meet him. Once we were face to face I was sure that everything would make sense. I wanted to thank him for his support and I couldn’t wait to spend some time with Nicole.

  No matter what happened next, I knew it would be wonderful.

  As I headed to the airport, my imagination had already taken flight. There was so much to dream about and so much to look forward to. It really did feel as if the sky was the limit.

  Please enjoy the following preview for

  “Free to Love” (Noella’s Life Unleashed, Book 2)

  Chapter 1

  The whoosh of the plane as it lifted from the ground seemed to carry right through to my heart. Even as we climbed higher, my focus remained behind me—on my sons.

  At six and nine, they were okay with Mom going away for a few days, but I wasn’t as sure about myself. I closed my eyes and thought of how much fun they were having with my sister, Hanna. I could see her chasing them around with the water guns she had shown me right before I left. At six months pregnant, I knew Hanna was excited about being a mom and I was certain she would be an amazing one.

  When I opened my eyes again, I could see the sky through my window.

  The beautiful sight inspired me to think of what it would be like to see my friend Nicole in person. I couldn’t wait to spend some time with her. We’d met and bonded on a dating site called Forty and Free, and she’d become one of my closest friends. She’d been such a positive force in my life at a time when I’d needed someone who could understand what it was like to be a single mother, adjusting to doing everything on my own.

  I could recall so many times that we’d stayed up all night on video chat together—sharing tears, laughter, and plans to overcome the difficulties we’d been facing. Nicole had found love a second time around and her story had given me hope that just maybe it could be possible for me as well.

  Excitement finally began to overtake my anxiety at leaving my boys.

  “This is going to be fantastic.” I whispered the words as I leaned my head back against the seat.

  My thoughts swam with another first in-person meeting I was going to have. My best work friend, Wes, lived in a town very close to Nicole. I’d only found out at the last minute and we’d promised to find a way to meet while we had the chance.

  For so long, Wes had been a friendly face on my computer screen, someone who’d always been there for me, offering advice and support when I’d needed it. Whenever I was having a difficult day, he was quick to joke with me until I was in a better mood. I’d confided in him things about my divorce that I hadn’t even shared with my sister. There was something about the anonymity of a virtual friendship that made him seem so safe, or maybe it was just that he was always so supportive.

  Wes had even helped me to get my current job, which afforded me more time with my sons as well as better benefits. I definitely owed him a great big hug to thank him and I looked forward to giving it to him.

  As if sensing that I was thinking of him, my phone chimed with a text.

  Have a safe fl
ight. If you need me to pick you up, I’m available. Just say the word.

  I bit into my bottom lip at his words. It meant a lot to me that he would clear his afternoon for me.

  I sent him back a text explaining that Nicole would be picking me up from the airport.

  “Excuse me, but I’ll need you to put your phone in airplane mode, please.” A flight attendant smiled at me as she made her way through the aisle.

  “Sorry about that.” I turned off my phone.

  As much as I couldn’t wait to get to Nicole’s, I savored the few minutes of quiet and isolation that the plane ride offered. It wasn’t often that I had true quiet. Sure, after the boys went to bed I might have a half hour before I passed out, but there was always some chore that needed to be done. On the plane I had no choice but to be quiet and enjoy the silence.

  As my mind wandered, my body began to relax.

  When a jolt of the plane woke me, I realized that I’d fallen asleep. It was unusual for me to be able to fall asleep while surrounded by so many people, but apparently I needed it.

  The plane began its descent and I pulled out my phone ready to find out where to meet Nicole.

  As soon as I turned it on, I received a text from her. She apologized profusely but explained that her daughter had fallen during tumbling class and they were headed to the emergency room to check for a broken arm. She included the phone number of a taxi service and the promise that she would pay for the fare.

  My heart ached at the news. Melody was only eight and I knew that she loved her tumbling class. She was such a daring child, always trying new jumps and movements. I hoped that she would be okay.

  I fired a text off to Nicole letting her know that it was fine and to just take care of Melody.

  As I tucked my phone away, the plane landed. My stomach flipped at the sudden bump of the landing gear striking the runway.

  As the plane rolled to a stop I thought about Wes’s offer. It wasn’t my intention to meet him so soon. I was certainly not prepared—in my comfortable jeans and loose t-shirt—to meet someone new. But then again, I didn’t have to worry about things like that with Wes. He was only used to seeing me from the shoulders up anyway.

  I decided that it would be the perfect time to get a chance to talk with him. Nicole and Gavin would be occupied with Melody.

  I fired off a quick text, uncertain whether he really wanted to drop everything and head to the airport. The thought of having a little time to spend with him sparked that sense of excitement once more.

  Is that offer of a ride still good?

  End of the preview.

  Get “Free to Love” here:

  An introduction to The Bride Tribe series…

  Chapter 1

  His fingers caressed mine as he grasped my hand. I watched, eyes wide, as he lowered himself to one knee. This was it. This was the moment I’d been waiting for. My heart pounded loud and steady. It pounded so loud that I couldn’t make out his words as his chocolate-brown gaze locked on mine. It pounded so loud that I couldn’t even hear my own voice as I answered a question I wasn’t sure he’d even spoken.

  “Hanna?” His voice cut through my heartbeat as he called out my name. “Hanna, are you there?”

  “I’m right here, silly.” I smiled and my heart continued to pound.

  When my eyes popped open, I realized it wasn’t my heartbeat I was hearing. It was someone knocking on the front door of my apartment.

  I jumped out of bed and barely managed to grab my robe as I ran for the door. With one arm in a sleeve and the other caught in the sash, I realized that the robe was upside down.

  “Jake, I’m here. Just a sec.”

  “I’ll just come in.”

  I heard the slide of his key in the lock and struggled to get my robe situated over my nightgown. It wasn’t really a nightgown—it was a lacy piece of cloth that barely covered my full-bodied frame.

  The knob turned and the door swung open just as I managed to get the robe twisted into place. I folded the sides across my body and watched as Jake stepped inside.

  Every time I laid eyes on him, it was like the first time all over again.

  At a party thrown by a mutual friend, he’d walked in an hour late, drawing all the attention with his wide smile and big brown eyes. At thirty-five he was in better shape than I’d ever been, and his warm personality made him even more attractive. I’d stared at him—openly. He’d noticed, but I still hadn’t been able to look away—at least not until he’d walked toward me.

  “Didn’t you hear me knocking?” He smiled as he closed the door behind him. “For a second there I thought maybe you weren’t home.”

  “I was dreaming.” I cleared my throat and clutched my robe tighter around me. It was still surprising for me to be around him in intimate moments. As much as I’d worked on my self-esteem over the past year, I still didn’t expect him to enjoy the sight of my body.

  “Oh?” He raised an eyebrow and settled his hands on my hips. “About me?”

  His lust-filled voice tantalized my senses.

  “Always.” I bit into my bottom lip.

  “I know I probably shouldn’t have shown up so early, but honestly, after last night, I can’t stand to be away from you.” He caressed my cheek in one smooth movement.

  “Last night was wonderful.” I shivered in response to his touch. “I’m happy you’re here.”

  “Good, because I’m going to make you breakfast.”

  “You don’t have to do that.” I laughed.

  “I want to.” He met my eyes. “I want to make you breakfast for the rest of our lives.”

  My heart pounded again. So it wasn’t a dream. It wasn’t a dream at all. I glanced down at my hand where no ring sparkled—because when Jake had tried to slide it onto my finger, it wouldn’t fit. My cheeks flared with heat at the memory.

  “I’m sorry, I thought I had the right size.” He slid the ring down as far as it could go.

  “It’s alright. I might have put on a few pounds.” I did my best to hold back tears of both happiness and embarrassment.

  “Don’t be silly, you look fantastic. I must have just made a mistake. I’ll get it resized right away.”

  “No. Don’t. Just give me a few weeks and it should fit.”

  “Hanna, I want it to fit you now.” He slid the ring back off my finger. “I love you exactly the way you are. You’re gorgeous from head to toe and there’s no need to change anything. I’ll get it resized. Besides, do you really think you’ve put weight on your fingers?” He grinned, leaned in and kissed my neck.

  “Yes, I do think that’s possible, actually. It’ll be good motivation for me. Before we can get married, I need to lose the weight anyway. It’s time for me to be healthy. It’s not just about how I’ll look in a wedding dress. It’s about knowing that we’re starting our lives together as healthy as possible.”

  “That’s a good thought—when you put it that way.” He sighed and looked into my eyes. “But if you’d let me, I’d marry you right now.”

  “Jake, I want us to get married, but it’ll be a moment that we can look back on for the rest of our lives. I want it to be special.”

  “I understand.” He kissed my forehead. “As long as you know that you’re gorgeous and there isn’t a single thing I’d change about you.”

  “And the same goes for you.” I drew him into a deep kiss.

  As his hands traveled the curves of my body, I felt the love in his touch.

  I knew he told the truth—but I still wanted to change.

  I brought my attention back to Jake, who seemed to be studying me intently.

  “I really want to see that ring on your finger. Are you sure I can’t just get you the right size?” He caught my hand and ran his thumb along my empty ring finger.

  “Soon. I put it in a safe place, until…”

  “Until…” He nodded. “So, in the interest of you actually showing off the ring, I
looked up the healthiest breakfast I could find—I’m about to launch your taste buds into an entirely new experience.”

  “Okay.” I grinned. “That sounds delicious. What can I do to help?”

  “Nothing. Oh, yes, maybe some music?”

  “Sure. Let me get dressed first.”

  “Or…” He grabbed me around the waist. “You could just stay in that.” His forehead touched mine as he looked into my eyes. “Or less.”

  “Nope, no way.” I smiled as I pulled away from him. “I’ll put on some music.”

  As I turned my favorite music channel on, I heard him cracking eggs in the kitchen.

  I slipped into my room to change. The mirror on the back of my closet door reflected my body as I shed my nightgown and robe.

  I tried not to look. It was a habit—to only look briefly. I didn’t want to think about the rolls I didn’t like or the fat that hung from places it didn’t belong. As I changed, I realized that if I really wanted to be at my goal weight by the wedding, I needed to lose about fifty pounds.

  Fifty pounds.

  The very thought seemed overwhelming to me.

  It wasn’t as if I hadn’t tried. Yo-yo dieting had consumed my twenties and I’d sworn that I’d be at a healthy weight by the time I turned thirty. Then I turned thirty.

  I’d met Jake and known almost instantly that I would marry him. I’d been telling myself that I would be at my goal weight by the time he proposed. And now that time had come and gone in the blink of an eye.

  After I dressed, I forced myself to look in the mirror. The woman reflected back to me was the same woman Jake had gotten on one knee to propose to. I was the same woman that he looked at with such desire that it made my knees grow weak—without him even speaking a word.

  I wanted to be that woman—only fifty pounds lighter.

  End of the preview.

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  Single Wide Female

  An introduction to the fun Single Wide Female series…


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